Scagliola Pedestals & Plinths

Scagliola plinths and pedestals provide a traditional setting for sculpture, ceramics and floral displays.  They are also considered to be works of art in their own right.

Scagliola has always been a popular material for pedestals and plinths and Hayles and Howe are often asked to supply them to museums, galleries and private homes.

Apart from the traditional round half columns; which are built on a core and then turned on a lathe Hayles and Howe are also able to supply bespoke shapes and sizes for different situations. With a variety of classically designed stock pedestal and plinth moulds it is possible to offer differing colour combinations of scagliola panelling.

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Why Hayles & Howe?

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The high standard of craftsmanship the company achieves has been recognised by many awards including the Queens’s Award, the Plaisterers’ Trophy and Humber Silver Salver to name a few.

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We are an International company which was established in Bristol, England in 1978 by David Hayles to specialise in the manufacture of ornamental plaster and scagliola.

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We have a talented team of designers and modellers with more than thirty years of experience, they are dedicated to fulfilling any design brief the company receives.