Private Residence, Wiltshire

Manufacture of high precision solid plastering and installation of a vaulted ceiling in the garden room of this Wiltshire property. The works were completed after a six week program. Consisting of SW Building Contractors of Marlborough Ltd and a design by Andrew Townsend Architects.

A Ceiling Designed With Precision

Fourteen members of the Hayles and Howe team worked hard to perfect the design. Consisting of a 50m2 solid plaster ceiling. This utilised over 20 carefully cut wooden formers to provide the exact curve required. Use of stainless steel mesh to form a background for a three coat application of plaster was essential. The application was made up of a scratch coat, float coat and skim. SW Building Contractors prepared the space for Hayles and Howe to work in. They produced a room to within a 2mm tolerance from the design.

Details that Draw the Eye

Finishing touches included the installation of three different niche heads over the windows, vestibule opening and recesses. Along with cornice that draws the eye to the high precision plastering above. The centrepiece of the ceiling consists of a roof light with a deep plaster cone spun in two halves, a flat section created a square lantern giving a petal-like shape.

SW Building Contractors took to installing the lighting for the cornices well . And they were more then satisfied with the high quality of finish achieved by Hayles and Howe.

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